Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards, and to maintaining and improving global policies and processes to avoid any potential complicity in human rights violations related to our operations or supply chain.

Our approach to identifying and assessing modern slavery risk is embedded within our broader risk management approach.
Businesses and functions are responsible for identifying and managing risks in accordance with our risk management policy.
We have considered the exposure of the Company to slavery and human trafficking risk, taking into account the nature of our business activities; the application of group policies, particularly procurement and recruitment practices.
Overall, we consider the Group’s exposure to modern slavery and human trafficking risk to be extremely low.

Our principles related to human rights include:

  • We are committed to protecting and preserving the rights of our employees, those employed in our supply chain, and those affected by our operations;
  • We are committed to acting in a socially responsible manner, complying with applicable laws, and respecting the communities where we operate;
  • We believe that all employment should be freely chosen and commit to refrain from any form of forced or involuntary labour;
  • We are opposed to the use of any form of child labour or practices that inhibit the development of children;
  • We are alert to the risks vulnerable people may face and seek to ensure that this group is free from discrimination and exploitation, and;
  • We will only work with suppliers whose core values and commitment to ethical business conduct matches our own.

These principles are cemented through a comprehensive suite of group policies.

We monitor our position on external charters and signatories on a regular basis, and review and align our policies and processes accordingly.