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Job Evaluation – Practical Steps for Success

When clients ask us for Job Evaluation, it can often be unclear as to what part of the Reward process they are referring to. Indeed, it is often confused with Salary Benchmarking. While it is different to Salary Benchmarking, it is equally important.   What is Job Evaluation? Job Evaluation ensures that the contribution of each job can be measured and rewarded appropriately. We use internal relativity to measure your roles so that they flow correctly, much like an organisational chart. ...
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A New Labour Government: What It Means for Pay and Reward

The election of the new Labour Government and their pledge of “the biggest upgrade to rights at work for a generation” heralds potentially significant shifts for the UK workforce. Assuming Labour deliver on their manifesto commitments, within the first 100 days in office major employment legislation change is expected through the implementation of their plan to “Make Work Pay”. The key areas of change likely to affect workplace reward are: 1. Equality and fair pay focus Strengthening rights to equal ...
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EU Pay Transparency Directive: What it Means for Employers

The EU Pay Transparency Directive is a set of measures to increase pay transparency proposed by the EU in 2023. The Directive builds on the growing body of pay transparency laws already in place across Europe and aims to combat pay discrimination and reduce gender pay gaps. The directive itself is simply a legislative act that sets out goals that EU countries must achieve. However, it’s up to individual countries to devise the laws that will help them reach these ...
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Premier League Insights – The Hidden Struggle

The Premier League stands as a pinnacle of professional football, renowned for its thrilling matches, world-class talent, and substantial financial prowess. However, beneath the surface of exhilarating gameplay lies a complex landscape that shapes the fortunes of its clubs. This report explores the financial dynamics of Premier League clubs, offering a comprehensive analysis of their revenues, profit and loss statements, and spending habits. Central to this is an examination of the real challenges that lie beneath the surface. We shine ...
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Choosing the Right Data for Salary Benchmarking

Critical to attracting and retaining the best talent is having the right market knowledge on your key roles. Salary benchmarking assists companies in determining the market rate for their positions and ensuring their salaries are competitive. The process involves comparing internal job descriptions and pay ranges to similar roles in other organisations and the wider market. It provides an independent and accurate reflection of your current market so that you can make informed and effective remuneration decisions. Using relevant and ...
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Planning For AGM: Top 10 Questions for Remuneration Committees

It’s the time of year when many of our clients are beginning to plan ahead for the next financial year and beyond. With that in mind, we have compiled a guide to the top 10 questions for remuneration committees to ensure a robust and sustainable approach to pay and reward. 1. What is our remuneration plan for the following year (or years?) Do you understand where you are in the market and where you want to be? Are you the ...
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UK Salary & Wage Trends 2024

Despite the ongoing economic challenges, the UK has seen diverse salary and wage growth across various sectors in the past year. With the CIPD projecting an average salary increase of 4% for 2024, the landscape remains promising yet varied. We are excited to share the latest market insights in our UK Salary & Wage Trends Report. Key Highlights: – The National Living Wage has increased by 9.8%, now at £11.44 per hour, empowering workers amidst high inflation. – Sectors including Manufacturing ...
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UK Economic and Fiscal Outlook Report 2024

In an era where change is the only constant, our UK Economic & Fiscal Outlook 2024 unveils a sector bracing for transformation amidst a fluctuating global economy. The report offers a comprehensive examination of the UK financial sector's journey through recent years and its prospects. It critically dissects the sector's response to a series of external shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, emphasizing the government's strategic interventions, such as the £373 billion economic injection through various initiatives including ...
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Tech Trends Outlook 2024

As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, our Tech Trends Outlook 2024 offers a deep dive into the innovations shaping our future. This seminal report illuminates the United Kingdom's accelerating journey towards becoming a global beacon of technological innovation, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). This comprehensive document not only explores the trajectory of AI advancements, from the global awakening triggered by ChatGPT to the strategic integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) within businesses, but ...
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Global Trends Report 2024

In the face of significant challenges over the last year, including conflicts, rising inflation and the largest increase in interest rates in forty years, the global economy has displayed remarkable resilience. This resilience was unexpected, as the economic landscape managed to avoid a substantial downturn, instead experiencing a smaller contraction. The stats suggest the global economy may be more robust than previously believed, revealing potential strengths that have yet to be fully understood. Ayhan Kose, the Deputy Chief Economist at ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q1, 2024

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q1 2024. This is a free product, available now. We have a full market trends version and a Housing Specific options also. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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The Employee Benefit Rewards Forum & Training and Development Summit

On 2nd November we attended the fantastic Employee Benefit Rewards Forum & Training and Development Summit in Canary Wharf, London. These HR industry focused events bring together buyers and suppliers for one-to-one business meetings, interactive seminars and valuable networking opportunities; all to enable you to create lasting business relationships. Peter Brauer, CEO of Turning Point HR delivered a talk on the Impact of the National Minimum Wage and Real Living Wage. We also met with a number of businesses throughout the event ...
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The New National Living Wage

Article by Jamie Surman - Reward and Evaluation Director The announcement yesterday of the national living wage increase to £11.44 per hour for employees over the age of 21 will mean a wage increase of at least 9.8% for up to 3 million people in the UK economy. This has been followed up today with a range of measures, headlined by a 2% reduction in national insurance rates which will have the impact of elevating take home pay for the ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q3, 2023

Turning Point HR are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q3 2023. This is a free product, available now. We have a full market trends version and a Housing Specific options also. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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Equal Pay Claims

With remuneration, pay, benefits and cost of living at the forefront of everyone's mind going into your 2024-2025 budget setting, it is important that organisations do not lose sight of the Gender Pay Gap. You may have heard on the news this week that Birmingham City Council effectively declared bankruptcy due ( largely due to up-to £1.8bn in equal pay claims (£1.1bn settled and estimated upto £760m to settle outstanding claims).  The latest statistics show that in April 2022 the median hourly pay gap between ...
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Human Capital Audits – Why They Are Necessary

When talking with our clients, it is clear that attracting and retaining the best people in the market is becoming increasingly difficult. Just in the last few years we have seen, 'The Pandemic', 'the Great Resignation', 'Quiet Quitting', the return to 'Business as Usual' post-pandemic and 'Brexit', not to mention the new Working Visa agreement with Australia. What does this mean for you and your business? 1. It’s time to take stock. As an employer chances are you will either ...
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Flexible Working Changes and What it means for your Business

The Flexible Working Bill changes have made it easier for Employees to request Flexible working - key changes detailed below; Previously Employees have to wait until they have provided 26 weeks of continuous service to be able to make a request for flexible working i.e. change of work location / change of hours or shift / working patterns. Employees had to explain the effect their request would have on the business and/or how the impact would be minimised. Employees could only ...
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We have been published on HR Grapevine

We have been published in HR Grapevine, exploring Technology's impact on the HR Reward space. This months edition looks at Technology and how it has played a huge role in the world of work. This was particularly true during the pandemic as tech helped facilitate digital-first working structures. With many employers now embracing remote or hybrid work, this issue will look at how HR is using tech/ digital to tackle all areas of HR practice from engagement, hiring, L&D, rewards ...
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We are hosting two webinars and you are invited!

We are excited to be hosting two free half hour webinars with Q&A sessions in the coming weeks and we would love for you to join us! 15th June - 1pm - How to manage the impact of new minimum wage and real living wage on your pay frameworks 26 July - 1pm - Which roles are hot in the market, and what are your response strategies Register your interest below:   Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete ...
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Artificial Intelligence in 2023

Read our Artificial Intelligence in 2023 Report below or hit the download link to get your own copy. We take a look at Artificial Intelligence, the impact that it will have this year and what that could mean for you and your business.       We’re here to support you and your organisation both now and in the long term. To find out more contact us.
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Our Feature in HR Grapevine Magazine

This months edition of HR Grapevine Magazine focuses on the topic of ‘talent management. Looking at how to keep hold of top talent – such as with good L&D opportunities, rewards etc – to how talent is recruited and best utilised. The issue will take a look at up-to-date challenges and themes in this area, showcasing best practice around how to navigate them. We have featured this month with "In a Volatile Market, How do you Remain a Competitive Employer?"- ...
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The real living wage and its impact upon pay structures

The real living wage increase paid by more than 11,000 UK businesses of over 10% in November of last year is set to have a large impact upon the economy as a whole. It is estimated that paying a quarter of low paid workers the real living wage will unleash a boost in region of 1.7 billion into the UK Economy.  Whilst the initial obvious impact is on organisations ability to deliver services and meet the added demands of the ...
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In a Volatile Market, How Do You Remain a Competitive Employer?

Every day we speak to clients that are trying to decide what they can do to attract and retain staff in the current economic crisis. With their employees feeling the pinch, the increase in the minimum wage looming, the huge real living wage hike in October last year plus the fuel price increases, most organisations are trying to find a way forward that is sustainable but will also help their staff. With a rising cost of living and energy bills, ...
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Don’t Lose Sight of the Gender Pay Gap

With remuneration, pay, benefits and cost of living at the forefront of everyone's mind going into April it is important that organisations do not lose sight of the Gender Pay Gap. Current statistics show that in April 2022 the median hourly pay gap between men and women with full time salaries was 8.3%. This doesn't tell us the full story, as a larger proportion of women work part time hours, leading to the true overall median pay gap of 14.9% ...
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Christmas Party 2022 – Boom Battle Bar and Hub Box Fun!

This years company Christmas party was spectacular. A chance for the whole team to come together, both new and old, from far and wide to celebrate a great year for Turning Point HR. With fun and games at Boom Battle Bar - Axe throwing, Shufl Board, Crazier Golf and Virtual Darts followed by some delicious food at Hubbox and drinks all round. Congratulations to Daniel for winning the Axe throwing tournament! The wrist bands were swiftly removed once the throwing ...
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Remuneration Trends Report

Turning Point HR are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our latest UK Remuneration overview report. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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Human Capital Audits – Why they are necessary and why they are set to be a big trend in 2023

There is a common trend growing in the employment market, we are beginning to see a shift back from an employee driven market to a driven employer market for the first time since the pandemic ended and with it the likely end of the recent ‘great resignation’. What does this mean for you and your business? 1.      It’s time to take stock As an employer you are now likely to have a settled core team, how is the return to business ...
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Real Living Wage

The Real Living Wage Foundation has just raised its RLW by 10% to £ 10.90 an hour in the UK ( a rise of £1 p/h) and £ 11.95 an hour in London ( a rise of 90p p/h). This is a lot higher than some forecasters expected, however it is an accurate reflection of inflation at this point in time. There are some very lively factors to consider if you are a RLW employer. Primarily, can you afford to ...
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Employment Market Trends

Here at Turning Point HR Solutions we work right across every sector - which is one of the reasons why our insights are so valuable. The common thread across all sectors currently is one of pain, but the pain is not the same for everyone. Within the Care sector, there is a genuine lack of candidates for roles, a consequence of losing 20 % of our workforce perhaps, but certainly this is compounded by the massive emotional hit the sector ...
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Pay Reviews – which way do you turn?

Yes, its that time of the year when pay reviews are on everybody’s radar and this year is a humdinger! Inflation will be running over 10%, it’s a dynamic employees market and emotional burn out from the pandemic is having a heavy impact on peoples employment choices. Unite the union are suggesting that 23% pay increase are reasonable as well as re-introducing final salary pension schemes. The UK economy is forecast to be, at best flat, at worst entering a ...
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We have been published in SME Magazine

Turning Point HR Solutions have been published SME Magazine. The publication has an online page turner available for you to read that we have an article in with an in print edition that has been Distributed to 30 Chambers of Commerce premises across the country and 58,000 digital copies sent out to the SME database. A huge audience with a 95k total readership. A great magazine and available for you to read in full - see the page turner here ...
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Turning Point HR Solutions Company Meeting & Big Night Out!

Last week Turning Point had their bi-annual whole company meet up. We had team members heading from Portugal, Scotland, London, Manchester, Somerset and Devon! A great opportunity to discuss ideas, learn how the business is growing and engage with other team members we dont get to work with everyday - some newer employees meeting the larger team for the very first time. After the big team meeting we all got locked in a room! All 3 teams did fantastically well ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q2, 2022

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q2 2022. This is a free product, available now. We have a full market trends version and a Housing Specific options also. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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NEW: Job Description Services

Role Profiles are the foundation for many reward and recruitment processes and need to be kept current.  Over the years Turning Point has created a sure method for standardising and writing clear job descriptions. It seems to be a growing demand with clients as it can be a long and time consuming process to do internally. Using an external expert who demonstrates an unbiased attitude can assist the project. We now offer both support with training or meetings to understand ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q1, 2022

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q1 2022. This is a free product, available now. We have a full market trends version and a Housing Specific options also. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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To Pay or Not to Pay – is that the question?

In my daily calls with clients and prospects, I am coming across a lot of questions regarding what allowances to pay.  With the new working world, organisations are trying to decide, do they go back to the office, do they work remotely, or do they have a hybrid of the two?  What works for them as an organisation and what works for their employees? With the Government now back stepping saying we want people to go back and work from ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q4, 2021

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q4 2021. This is a free product, available now. We have a full market trends version and a Housing Specific options also. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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Post Pandemic Growth – Our Team is Expanding

Well, its been a full 18 months since the first lockdown landed and a new chaos was unleashed across the globe. The resilience of the human race to survive and grow is unquestionable in history and so proved now. Society is in the significant aftershocks of this life changing event and is now adjusting to another dawn. How the economy will grow is open to question, that it will grow isn’t. The war on talent has hit new levels in ...
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Salary Survey or Salary Benchmarking?

Companies often come to us and ask: What is the value of carrying out a salary benchmarking project? As well as: How is it different from getting data from a Salary Survey? The Salary Benchmarking projects that we work on here at Turning Point HR Solutions allows us to get into the detail of the role, rather than just a job title.  We contact comparators that are relevant to you, alongside taking into consideration your turnover, FTE, sector, location and ...
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We have been Published in HR.COM Talent Management Excellence Magazine – August 2021 Edition

The brilliant HR.COM platform has published an article written by Katy Marshall, our Reward Director, looking at workforce management in a post pandemic world. Read the full article using the link below. If you would like to talk to use about any aspect of your own business HR function please get in touch here
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Performance Management Post Pandemic

2020/21 is unlikely to have been the year that you reviewed your organisations performance management system… but it might be on your to-do list for 2021/22. In this article Katy Marshall, Reward Director at Turning Point HR Solutions, answers key questions on performance management and suggests changes organisations can make to their performance management systems that will support agile working and can ultimately improve organisational performance. Traditional methods of performance management have been on the decline for many years, and ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q3, 2021

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q3 2021. This is a free product, available now. We have a full market trends version and both Finance and Housing Specific options also. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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What Happens Now? Will the Revolutions of Home Working Continue?

This week, Joanne Roadnight, Head of Client Services at Turning Point HR Solutions wonders now that "freedom day" is upon us, will the revolution of home working continue? Will our city centres, that have vibrated with silence, fill up again with daily commuters? I think not. The revolution of home working that was forced upon us will have long standing affects on the need for large offices.Many Corporates are considering closing large offices, downsizing, or changing layouts to work with the need ...
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Don’t forget to tell your employees about the “Complete Package”!

There has been a lot of talk recently about Employee Value Proposition (EVP), and quite rightly so. However, regarding the benefits aspect many employers think that their employees automatically know what it includes, and even perhaps, how much they are worth. Let me ask you, if you carried out a quick poll with your employees, hand on heart, how many would know what their complete package is worth? You can have the most fantastic benefits and rewards package going, but ...
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Company Meet Up at Sandy Park – Exeter Chiefs Stadium

We enjoyed a long awaited face to face company meet up at Sandy Park last week - home of the Exeter Chiefs. What a change to have meeting like this and long may it continue!
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ECJ Tesco Equal Pay Case

Following on from our article on the Asda equal pay case at the end of March, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has handed down its judgement in another equal pay case, involving another supermarket giant – Tesco. In one of the last decisions by the ECJ in relation to UK employment law (the referral was made pre-Brexit), the court has determined that that the provisions of EU law can be relied upon directly in proceedings between individuals. EU law ...
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Quarterly Market Trends Remuneration Report – Q2, 2021

We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration market overview report for Q2 2021. We have a Full Market Trends version or a Housing Sector specific option. This is a free product, available now. Sign up to receive yours via email here.
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The Latest News on the Asda Equal Pay Case

Over 44,000 Asda workers have won the latest leg of their equal pay claim with bosses through a Supreme Court ruling, paving the way for a legal battle that could continue for years. The UK's highest court has backed a Court of Appeal judgment that in-store staff are entitled to compare themselves to warehouse staff for equal pay purposes. The in-store workers, who are mostly women, have brought equal pay claims on the grounds that those in the supermarket chain's ...
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2021 Pay & Reward Trends Survey

Take part in our survey on annual pay & bonus trends for 2021 and receive the FREE report with our findings. Pay & Reward trends for 2021, what does your business plan to do? Many employers have been affected by the changes in working practices this year, some sectors have benefited from the pandemic, while others have faced extremely challenging operating environments. This backdrop will affect decisions on pay settlements for most employers. Turning Point HR Solutions Ltd are a ...
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Gender Pay Gap Reporting, the Pandemic and the EPIC Bill

The enforcement of the gender pay gap regulations was suspended last year because of the pandemic, but positively, a high proportion of employers continued to report their calculations in any case. With the next calculation date just around the corner we outline new challenges employers will face when they prepare their next round of reporting. The suspension of GPG enforcement The one-off reprieve that was hastily announced by the government last year applied to gender pay gaps relating to data ...
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Spotlight Video on Orbit Suite

As an HR professional, getting access to high quality, reliable and relevant pay benchmarking data can be challenging. Even more challenging is getting access to accurate and reliable global data, hiring norms and tax regimes. Gathering all of this from a single source rather than relying upon separate providers in each jurisdiction and keeping costs at a reasonable level is almost impossible. However, some new software platforms are coming to the market that can offer solutions, watch this video to ...
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We got published in

Navigating the Inevitable - published in this months HR Strategy and Planning magazine looking at how to restructure in this current climate and how to use Turning Point HR Solutions software Orbit Org to help. If you would like to hear more about Orbit Org and how it can help your business get in touch here. See the full publication here.
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UK Remuneration Report, Q1 2021

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q1 2021. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link.
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Housing Sector Remuneration Report, Q4 2020

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce global sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our Housing sector report for Q4 2020. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link.
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UK Remuneration Report, Q4 2020

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q4 2020. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link.
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Pay Structures: What are they, what are the options for my organisation and… does pay really motivate?

What is a pay structure? The CIPD defines a pay structure as “a collection of pay grades, levels or bands, linking related jobs within a hierarchy or series, that provides a framework for the implementation of reward strategies and policies within an organisation”.  For a typical organisation, the key goals, or purpose of a pay structure would tend to be: to align reward strategy with organisational goals and culture to help ensure fairness and equity in pay arrangements to develop ...
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Asda Equal Pay Case

Asda supermarket workers’ long-running equal pay case was heard by the Supreme Court justices at a virtual hearing in July. The judgement is set to be delivered shortly. The claim was brought by around 35,000 employees represented by legal firm, Leigh Day. This is not the first time that Leigh Day have appeared in the Supreme Court with an equal pay case. In 2012, they brought a successful claim against Birmingham City Council on behalf of female employees claiming they ...
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How to (and why to) Develop a Reward Strategy

Developing your reward strategy involves designing and implementing reward policies and practices to support and advance organisational objectives. Investing time in your reward strategy can pay dividends. It can maximise the value you get from your reward arrangements. In this article I will outline some important considerations when developing a reward strategy. First, it might be sensible to talk about why you should develop a reward strategy in the first place… The why You might think your business is too ...
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UK Remuneration Report, Q3 2020

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q3 2020. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link
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Housing Sector Remuneration Report, Q3 2020

Turning Point HR Solutions are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce global sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our HOUSING sector report for Q3 2020. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link.
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Navigating the Inevitable – Is it time to look at restructuring?

The current pandemic has had a significant financial impact on most businesses in the UK. Because of this many organisations are having to face up to the reality of re-configuring and restructuring their operating structures. In this article we talk a little about some of the most important considerations and challenges when restructuring your business. Organisational design The first step in any restructure is to plan what the new organisation will look like. Should there be a top down or ...
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Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting

Since the introduction of the Gender Pay Gap Reporting, there have been calls for employers to also publish their ethnicity pay gap data. This is because, in the same way that the UK has a gender pay gap that favours male employees, it also has an ethnicity pay gap that favours white employees. The ONS collects data on pay and ethnicity. The most recent survey, published in 2019 highlighted that: White workers were paid 3.8 per cent more than all ...
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Pay Frameworks for the Housing Sector

It used to be a lot easier, didn’t it, back in the 00’s? Your roles were housing roles, your DLO /trades may have needed a slightly separate approach, but fundamentally the old-style incremental pay frameworks were fit for purpose. Roll on to 2019 and the Housing Sector now encompasses roles from not just the traditional housing base but across many discrete sectors such as care, extra care, and development. Could you get two more diverse sectors than care and development ...
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Homeworker Payments

The continuing Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown have forced many businesses to ask their staff to work remotely from home. Rather than being the disaster the majority of businesses feared, many of those businesses have found the change revelatory and have noticed little change to the level of productivity or the engagement of staff. The massive strides in communication and collaborative working technology over recent years have made this mode of working more than viable. A significant proportion of organisations ...
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Working From Home Allowances

The ONS is reporting that around 40% of workers are currently working from home (WFH). Inthis article we explore some of the issues employers need to be aware of with increasednumbers of employees WFH, from a financial, legal and health and safety perspective. Financial Issues This rise of home working has highlighted the issue of WFH allowances and expenses. In a recentcase in Switzerland an employee made a claim through the Swiss courts for financial support withcosts associated with home ...
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The Future of the STIP and LTIP in a Post Lock Down World

In this article, we take a look at the possible impacts on the provision on long and short term bonuses and incentive plans of the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdown. One does not have to look very hard to see the unprecedented impact the current pandemic has had on the global economy thus far. As at the end of April the Nikkei, Dow Jones and FTSE 100 had all fallen by between 14% and 25% from their values just ...
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Remuneration Trends Report May 2020

Like everything else in the world at the moment, this quarter’s outlook report is dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The economic impacts of the virus and the resulting lockdown of economies across the globe are likely to be larger than anything since the second world war. At this stage, the medium to long term implications can only be guessed at but we would like to offer some thoughts based on our observations. To receive this report please contact us here.
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Complimentary Pay Framework Review for the Housing Sector

We offer confidential consultations with one of our senior Reward Directors. These cover (but are not exclusive to): Grading Methodologies, Pay & Benefits, Staffing Issues, Current Climate Challenges & Impact Mitigation You will receive an initial short questionnaire on which we will base the consultation, the meeting will be followed up by a report highlighting any areas identified as being 'at risk' with a potential remedial strategy. If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please ...
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An Interesting Trend – Working From Home Allowances

Many companies are realising that working from home actually works for both employee and employer- with the caveats of mental well-being and health and safety measures. The thing is that this new approach will also realise significant savings for companies in terms of rents and rates. It would seem that companies that offer a working from home allowance, that rewards their employees for embracing this new way of working, is now becoming a thing. I think it’s a great innovation ...
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Housing Sector – Remuneration Report, Q2 2020

Turning Point HR  are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce global sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our HOUSING sector report for Q2 2020. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link.
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A Company Profile in the Housing Sector

Loftus Garden Village  a POBL Group Development Founded in 2005, Turning Point HR Solutions is a global reward consultancy.  Our ethos is to work not only for you but with you to ensure that we absorb the cultural values of your organisation.  We are passionate about what we do and our consultants include senior human resource directors, former chief executives and remuneration professionals. Our real business experience sets us apart from other consultancies.  We whole heartedly believe that our project ...
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Orbit Org is here NOW! Take a Look…

Our new organisation charting software enables you to adopt a live approach to organisational design. Define reporting lines in each vertical locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. You have access to rich data cards for each employee within each role. Configure your data to include job title, name, location, reward details, time in post, qualifications and protected characteristics such as gender. Export your visualisation into colour coded PDF documents for Board level presentation. It’s quick to set up, easy to use ...
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How To Conduct An Organisational Wide Pay Review – Five key steps

It is a project that fills many HR Managers or Directors with dread…. An organisation-wide pay review. Is this on your to do list for 2020? Read on to find out more about the 5 key steps involved in an organisation wide pay review, by Katy Marshall (Reward Director) from Turning Point HR Solutions. At Turning Point, we are experts in pay and reward reviews. We have almost a hundred years’ combined experience (and we have counted!). There can be ...
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Compensation & Pay and Reward: After Covid-19

This week, Peter Brauer, CEO at Turning Point HR Solutions wonders whether the concept of ‘office’ will ever return to pre Covid relevance. The notion that corporates jostle for space in the centre of our cities is fundamental to not only our daily working norms, but also to the pension funds that invest heavily in office space and office developments. Pollution levels have reduced by more during the Covid epidemic than during the 2008 global crisis, with air travel simply ...
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UK Remuneration Report – Q2, 2020

Turning Point HR are a global reward consultancy, active in all sectors across the world. We produce sector reports on a quarterly basis and have just completed our UK Remuneration overview report for Q2 2020. This is a free product, available now. If you would like to receive this insightful data report, please click this link.
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