Human Capital Audits – Why They Are Necessary

When talking with our clients, it is clear that attracting and retaining the best people in the market is becoming increasingly difficult. Just in the last few years we have seen, ‘The Pandemic’, ‘the Great Resignation’, ‘Quiet Quitting’, the return to ‘Business as Usual’ post-pandemic and ‘Brexit’, not to mention the new Working Visa agreement with Australia.

What does this mean for you and your business?

1. It’s time to take stock.

As an employer chances are you will either have a settled core team or have seen a significant increase in your turnover.

How is the return to business-as-usual working for your organisation, are you where you thought you’d be 12-months ago?

2. It’s time to put learning into practice.

Everyone has been through a seismic shift in the last 3 years, what has this taught you about your business, what lessons were learned and how have you adapted to survive (and potentially grow)?

3. Think about the future.

Now is the time to dust off the 5 year business plan and start again (or regenerate). Where do you want to be in the next 12-months, 3 years, 5 years, what do you need to achieve it and how do you start on the journey to get there.

Where is the best place to start? – A Human Capital Audit!

A Human Capital Audit will help you identify what is working well within your organisation as well as highlighting key areas for improvement. It will help you to understand your resources better and determine;

  •     An organisational structure that reflect your needs
  •     What skills you already have in house and how can you utilise them better
  •     Skills gaps in your organisation and how can you set out to resolve them
  •     A better understanding of the overall abilities you need to function as a successful unit

A Human Capital Audit will lay the foundations for the future success of your organisation and support with your strategic and operational plan.

Can you afford not to do one?

Turning Point HR can undertake this for you. We’re here to support you and your organisation both now and in the long term.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail please contact us here.

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