Pay Frameworks for the Housing Sector

It used to be a lot easier, didn’t it, back in the 00’s? Your roles were housing roles, your DLO /trades may have needed a slightly separate approach, but fundamentally the old-style incremental pay frameworks were fit for purpose.

Roll on to 2019 and the Housing Sector now encompasses roles from not just the traditional housing base but across many discrete sectors such as care, extra care, and development.

Could you get two more diverse sectors than care and development in terms of reward expectations and market realities? Add to the mix national pay variances from Inner London to more far-flung regions and you have the conundrums that face larger providers- How do you design a pay framework that attracts, retains, allows progression, is financially sustainable, is legislatively compliant AND fair and equitable, all at the same time?

Market realities in the supported living sector (where private equity funded operators are generally comfortable with statutory minimums) make remaining competitive or even sustainable mid-term challenging, at the least.  A different approach to reward is required as compared to the development sector, in which certain roles, (we could mention QS and Fire Safety as two examples), are in such demand that candidates are being offered and counter-offered on a regular basis, placing huge strain on even the most flexible pay frameworks.

The Equality Act 2010 does allow for material factors to differentiate between roles of similar weight within an organisation, so, used correctly, the law is helpful here, but how do you position pragmatic pay approaches to be digestible across the entire scope of roles?

So what do Turning Point Hr Solutions bring to the party? We are engaged by a very significant number of clients across the housing sector who are striving to find the right balance between equitable and fair. We offer practical advice in regards to how they can approach reward in an equitable fashion that aligns to their culture and ethos. Our approach ensures that we work with you to match your values and culture, rather than fitting you conveniently into a pre-designed solution. We understand that one size does not fit all and we get that the emotional connection is key is developing successful reward strategies.

We can assist you to link reward to your culture and to ensure an equitable, compliant approach.

If you fancy a chat, please get in touch!

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