To Pay or Not to Pay – is that the question?

In my daily calls with clients and prospects, I am coming across a lot of questions regarding what allowances to pay.  With the new working world, organisations are trying to decide, do they go back to the office, do they work remotely, or do they have a hybrid of the two?  What works for them as an organisation and what works for their employees?

With the Government now back stepping saying we want people to go back and work from home where possible due to the rising Covid cases, how can companies decide what the future will need?

Many organisations are still trying to update employee terms and conditions to reflect the new working week.

Do you pay London weighting as staff are not in the office, or not all of the time?

If no London weighting, do you pay travel and other expenses for their infrequent visits to the office?

Do you offer a home working allowance? 

What other benefits will no longer be available or necessary, and what do you offer instead?

Life has changed radically, and many organisations no longer need the large office block in a city centre.  Smaller offices and more agile working practices are being considered.  Meeting hubs with more online video conferencing is more common.

This new world will have a big impact on onboarding, new employees still need the mentoring that took place in the office, so how do you work that into your week?

For some home working doesn’t work, especially for those of us who live alone.  Some organisations stayed open during the pandemic to their employees who didn’t have space for a home office, or shared houses where they couldn’t get quiet to work.

 We all miss the interaction of the gossip by the tea/coffee station!

If organisations are not going back to the office permanently and staff have to go in to onboard etc how do they cover expenses, which ones do they pay?

Here at Turning Point we practice what we preach. We no longer use offices but have meeting hubs where teams get together regularly to work on projects.  Onboarding is done face to face with regular catch-up days working together in the same room to ensure knowledge is given and understood.  I believe it is still important for team building but also for new employees to have that interaction and time spent with them.

Are you back at the office? 

How have your working days changed?

What changes have you made to your reward offering?

Turning Point are able to help with benchmarking benefits to inform on what the market is offering and where you want to be as an organisation.  If you need help, then contact us now.

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