A Company Profile in the Housing Sector

Loftus Garden Village  a POBL Group Development

Founded in 2005, Turning Point HR Solutions is a global reward consultancy.  Our ethos is to work not only for you but with you to ensure that we absorb the cultural values of your organisation.  We are passionate about what we do and our consultants include senior human resource directors, former chief executives and remuneration professionals. Our real business experience sets us apart from other consultancies.  We whole heartedly believe that our project delivery will add to your organisations experience of the job evaluation process and its outcomes.

Our Housing sector experience and client base is significant.  We run various benchmarking clubs’ for the sector across the UK and advise Boards and remuneration committees from senior executive level across the entire employee population.

Our core deliverable within the company is reward and how it impacts your staff. 

Money on its own is not enough to attract and retain staff-  the manner in which you position reward is critical and this is where our real business experience makes the difference with our clients.

Specific to this project we have delivered similar projects that migrate staff to new pay frameworks in unionised environments. With a provider in North West England, we  successfully designed a new pay framework underpinned by standard job descriptions and our benchmarking methodology.  With a provider in Wales , we again supported the migration of staff from a legacy NJC scheme to a new more flexible and consistent spots and ranges pay framework, based on total reward with variable options for performance linked to their appraisal process (which we also designed). 

We currently offer ad hoc benchmarking services to approximately 150 plus housing associations across the UK, below is a non exhaustive list of clients to whom we provide consultancy services; 

  • Torus
  • Home Group
  • Cairn Group
  • Port of Leith HA
  • Merthyr Valley Homes 
  • Redhill Academy 
  • Devon & Cornwall Housing Group 
  • A1 Housing 
  • Merthyr Valley Homes 
  • Community Housing Cymru 
  • Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd 
  • Cyf 
  • Cadarn Housing Group 
  • Cardiff Community Housing Association 
  • POBL
  • United Housing Association 
  • Coastline Housing 
  • Linc (Cymru)
  • Pembrokeshire Housing
  • Incommunities
  • West Devon Homes
  • Riveria Housing Association 
  • Charter Housing
  • Connect Housing
  • Greatwell Homes
  • Ocean Housing Group
  • Flagship Housing
  • Sovereign Housing
  • Severn Vale Housing
  • Staffordshire Housing
  • United Housing Assoc.

Company 1 – North West of England

Company 1 employs over 2500 staff and is made up of 8 companies that provide social housing and care and support across South Wales.

They have a wide range of roles within the group and provide support services that include supported accommodation, floating support, home care, dementia-specific nursing care & residential care for people with complex mental ill-health, as well as a broad range of services for people who are vulnerable, homeless or at risk of homeless.


The Group wanted to establish a contract with a consultancy to provide an Equal Pay Audit, a review of Terms & Conditions, a Reward Process and an External Benchmarking. 

The company currently employs approximately 2600 employees across the following directorates:-

  • Care and Support
  • Corporate Operations
  • Finance and Procurement
  • Human Resources and Learning and Development
  • Commercial and Enterprise
  • Housing and Communities

As a result of the phenomenal growth that the Group has seen over the last few years and a recent merger, and so wanted to undertake a review of their current Reward Strategy to attract and retain talent, and to agree a new Strategy across the Group

The Group required the successful supplier to take into consideration the following areas that have been identified as the main driver:

  • The requirement for a new Reward Strategy and pay framework for the next five years
  • The legislative requirements of the Equality Act 2010
  • The need for a fair and equitable pay framework
  • Market linked pay and reward that takes into account operating environment and also consistency across the Group
  • Transparency of process
  • Long term affordability
  • Commissioning landscape and contract framework for care and support

Turning Point HR were appointed after a competitive tendering process to undertake an equal pay audit, a review of their terms and conditions of employment, to design a reward process and externally benchmark a wide range of roles within the Group.


We led a communications exercise in the form of staff briefings, frequently asked questions and newsletters to ensure that all employees had a clear understanding of the processes. The process of communication was repeated at the outcomes stage, to ensure that people fully understood their own role results and the appeals process. 

We then worked along side the companies team to ensure that the data we received was both comprehensive and consistent for the purposes of the project, terms and conditions, equal pay audit and external benchmarking.  

We then conducted an equal pay audit across the strands of diversity and in the context of all legislative requirements such as the Equality Act 2010. A detailed and comprehensive report was complied with both table and commentary outlining exactly where they are in terms of compliance and required actions, detailed in a traffic light style report where red means immediate action required. In the instance of immediate action required, we will outline options, impacts and costs. Part of this analysis allowed us to take a cross Group view on current terms and conditions of employment, specifically to benefits and contractual working conditions so that a detailed report was produced indicating variations that exist within and across the eight companies of the Group. 

We then benchmarked the roles against the external market taking in to account all the elements of reward (pay, terms and conditions & benefits) externally. A comparator group was selected and all roles were benchmarked.  The Group has a wide range of roles covering care & support both with difficult care and extra care sectors, administration, construction & maintenance, support services, customer care and housing/letting.  


On completion of all the elements above, we were able to provide options for Company 1 to create a robust reward strategy and pay framework, ensuring equality pay and consistency across the group.  We continue to support this company through adhoc evaluations and salary & benefits benchmarking for new and revised roles. 

Company 2 – North West England

Brief: Company 2 are a large organisation with over 15,000 units in management and in excess of 500 staff. The company wished to pay create a pay and benefits structure that reflected their organisational values & wanted to include market forces to ensure that they were able to retain and attract employees. 

Turningpoint HR were appointed after a competitive tendering process to undertake a pay and grading review across company 2. This involved the job evaluation of a diverse range of housing roles. 

Project: We met with unions and the executive team from the outset to ensure that the process was understood and achieved buy in from the respective unions. 

We led a communications exercise in the form of staff briefings, frequently asked questions and newsletters to ensure that all employees had a clear understanding of the processes. The process of communication was repeated at the outcomes stage, to ensure that people fully understood their own role results and the appeals process. 

We undertook a job evaluation exercise using an inclusive approach via job descriptions, job description questionnaires and individual job evaluation discussions. A rank order was then moderated by the company, unions and our consultants and from this a hierarchy of roles was produced. 

We then benchmarked the evaluated roles against the external market and merged this information with the rank order to formulate a pay and grading structure that retained internal relativity and external market forces. 

Several pay and grading options were presented using this information and a collective agreement was signed by all parties. 

Outcome: Company 2 have a robust pay and grading structure, which met all their requirements. The pay structure was based upon spots salaries and ranges. We continue to support company 2 through adhoc evaluations and salary & benefits benchmarking for new and revised roles. 

Company 3 – The Midlands

Brief: Company 3 are an organisation with over 4,300 units in management and in excess of 100 staff. The company wished to pay create a pay and benefits structure that reflected their organisational values. They wanted to include market forces to ensure that they were able to retain and attract employees. 

Turningpoint HR were appointed after a competitive tendering process to undertake a pay and grading review across company 3. This involved the job evaluation of a diverse range of housing roles. 

Project: Turningpoint HR met with unions and the senior management team from the outset to ensure that the process was understood and achieved buy in from the respective parties. 

We led a communications exercise in the form of staff briefings, frequently asked questions and newsletters to ensure that all employees had a clear understanding of the processes. The process of communication was repeated at the outcomes stage, to ensure that people fully understood their own role results and the appeals process. 

We then undertook a job evaluation exercise using an inclusive approach using job descriptions, job description questionnaires and individual job evaluation discussions. A rank order was then moderated by the company, unions and our consultants resulting in a hierarchy of roles. 

We then benchmarked the evaluated roles against the external market and merged this information with the rank order to formulate a pay and grading structure that retained internal relativity and external market forces. Several options were presented using this information and a collective agreement was signed by all parties.

Outcome: Company 3 have a robust pay and grading structure, which met all their requirements. 

We continue to support this company through adhoc evaluations and salary & benefits benchmarking for new and revised roles. 

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